• 2 октября 2019, среда
  • Москва, prospekt Vernadskogo, 84, building 6, hall 3

Career opportunities in global governance from a trilateral perspective

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1686 дней назад
2 октября 2019 c 17:20 до 19:00
prospekt Vernadskogo, 84, building 6, hall 3

Summer has come to an end, but that doesn’t mean that your fun should end with it, and we’ll be happy to assist you! With the beginning of the new season of the Milestone Student Club, we’re excited to announce our first guest — Paul Révay.

Dear friends!

Paul Révay is a member of the Board of Trustees of Friends of Europe, a “Think and Do Tank” in Brussels after having served the Trilateral Commission as its European Director from 1981 to 2017.

After his secondary education in the United Kingdom and in Switzerland, he completed his university studies in Paris.

Between 1980 and 1996, Paul Révay was secretary-general of the French Committee of the East-West Vienna International Council and of an East-West project on creating a Management Institute for Training in Europe (MITIE), as well as a treasurer of the French Business Association for the World UN Social Summit (BUSCO) in Paris.

In 1994-2000, Paul coordinated the “Informal Advisory Group” set up in Geneva by Sadako Ogata, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

He was actively engaged from 1996 to 2017 with the Lisbon-based Fundaçao Oriente organizing its annual Arrabida Meetings.

At the upcoming meeting Paul will speak about:

Key political goals and tensions

Growing influence of IO

Regional specifics of Europe, North-America and Japan

What it’s like being part of international secretariat

What is more, students will be able to take part in a brief interactive game — CASE STUDY — "21st century strategies of the trilateral countries: in concert or in conflict?" Everybody will be divided into 3 regional groups as the commission itself (Europe — North America — Asia) and will have to approach global challenges from the point of view of their region.

For our guests NOT FROM RANEPA it’s necessary to bring PASSPORT

We are waiting for you!


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